The Robe – AC087

The Robe – AC087

Happy Easter! Let’s continue our Easter movie reviews with the epic film The Robe.  AnarchoChristian Resources:The Passion of the Christ, EP69 – Unto Caesar, EP 58 –...
Monarchy – AC086

Monarchy – AC086

Are Christians Monarchists? Is an earthly king biblical, or superior to other political political philosophies? Join me as we look into Monarchy, and its implications. AnarchoChristian Resources:An Appeal To Heaven, EP 73 –...
Gideon – AC085

Gideon – AC085

“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Let’s explore the story of Gideon and the book of Judges, to get a deeper understanding of God’s people in a time without kings, with war and idolatry, and what that means for us...
It’ll Be Anarchy! – AC083

It’ll Be Anarchy! – AC083

William Golding won a Nobel Prize for the Lord of the Flies, a novel showing the fatalistic depths of human depravity without authoritative oversight. But is this a fair depiction of anarchy, and an inevitable outcome of human freedom? AnarchoChristian Resources:If...
God Is My Fuhrer – AC082

God Is My Fuhrer – AC082

Martin Niemoller coined the phrase “God is my Fuhrer” in opposition to the rise of the Third Reich. Let’s examine some of his sermons, and other writings, to see what lead him to defy rising Nationalism, and ultimately landed him in a concentration camp....